If you have a balance due on your account from last year and have not contacted the finance committee (financebioz@gmail.com) to set up a payment plan, we will not be able to issue holiday tickets to you. For any special financial arrangements, please call Donna Patkin at 215-725-5461.
Forms for all extra tickets must be received, along with payment in full, by September 1, 2020. Tickets are non-transferable.
A single person living in a member household, other than students, must purchase a single membership or pay the non-member rate for seats.
- Full members seats included as per membership category
- Guest of member (does not live in walking distance from shul and is accompanied by a member)……………………………………………………………………$125/person
- Children under 18…………………………………………………………..$25/child
- Full-time students over 18………………………………………………….$50/student
- Non-member seat (for associate members or local non members)……$150/person
If you haven’t arranged for membership, please do so at this time.
Membership Payments | B’nai Israel Ohev Zedek