Today is January 17, 2025 -

A Shul That Speaks To The Heart of Every Jew

Congregation B’nai Israel – Ohev Zedek (BIOZ) is a shul that takes great pride in offering warm rabbinic leadership, inspirational davening, dynamic educational programming, important youth activities, meaningful lifecycle events, and wholesome social activities.

We strive to be a place where all people can connect to our heritage and remain an inspired Jew, dedicated to passing on Torah values to the next generation.

Watch now!
A riveting documentary of the amazing story behind B’nai Israel, a 100 year old shul in Northeast Philadelphia.


Save the Date


What's Happening

Shabbos Parashas Vayechi

Friday, January 10
Candle Lighting: 4:36
Mincha/Maariv: 4:25
Shabbos, January 11
Parsha Shiur: 8:30
Shacharis: 9:00
Latest Shema: 9:44
Mincha/Shalosh Seudos: 4:25
Shekiah: 4:55
Maariv/Nightfall: 5:36
Friday is Asara B'Teves
Fast starts: 5:56 AM
Fast Ends: 5:37 PM

Sunday: 8:30
Monday-Friday: 6:45
Sunday-Thursday: 4:40 (different from the original calendar)
Candle Lighting next Shabbos: 4:43

Download as One-Page PDF

Thank you for your donation!

Brian & Gila Gluck $1000

Yehuda Baker $54

Dov Simons $1800

Mark and Sandra Margolies $100

Marsha and Herb Edelman $54

Isaac Moses 180

Leib & Miriam Piatetsky $54

Myron & Luba Anton $1000

Tehilla Apfel $1000

Rebecca and Shalom Goldberg $100

Anonymous $100

Rebecca and Shalom Goldberg $100

Yisroel and Chani Sherman $36

Mark and Rachel Meles $36

Joely Jacobs $300

Ralphy and Zivia Beniflah $100

Dovid and Sara Malka Flam $100

David Redlich $100

Estee Nadav $250

Anonymous $54

Michael & Sherry Bohm $1800

Rabbi Michoel and Shira Shifrin $100

Stuart and Rebecca Danzig $100

Anonymous $36

Jerry and Ahuva Polin $100

Nachum & Sue Fass $180

Chaim & Tehilla Apfel $1000

Micah & HIllah Gold $1500

Steven & Aimee Agami 100

Yoel and Mindy Judowitz $18

Brian and Amy Leas $360

Jeff & Rose Lonstein $250

Michael and Elissa Sce $36

Anonymous $18

Russi and Joey Bohm $360

Judah Wohlgelernter $54

Yisroel and Carol Deppen $180

Anonymous $500

Anonymous $36

Elena Gershman $18

Russi and Joey Bohm $360

Jeremy and Chavi Schwarzbaum $500

Shmuel and Rivka Herzberg $180

Shira and Yehuda Leib Abberbock $360

Sue Carre $500

Anonymous $360

Vadim and Vera Zubarev $500

Bruce Friedman $1500

Michael & Judy Rosen $360

Ezra and Susie Wohlgelernter $1800

Stuart and Sari Apfel $1000

Yonah Burr $100

Yisroel and Bracha Schechter $1000

Toby and Beverly Bernstein $2500

Jay and Laya Press $504

Anonymous $36

Upcoming Events

Toddlers & Kindergarten Pajama Party
18 Jan 25
Breadfast with Rabbi Federgrun
2 Feb 25

A no-cost way to donate!