Sunday Breakfast Shiur with Rabbi Yeamans
Enjoy a delicious breakfast and an engaging, interactive shiur. Sundays 10 am. Men & Women welcome. |
Semicha Chaver Program
Pick Your topic and enjoy a room full of Torah learning! Enjoy delicious Falafal and israeli spreads by Mama’s. Sponsored by Haviv and Sandy David. Tuesdays 9 pm for men. |
TCN Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Frand
Inspiring insights into the parsha with the famed Rabbi Frand. Thursdays at 9 pm. Men & Women welcome. |
Gemara Shiur with Rabbi Yeamans
Interactive Gemara shiur Mesechta Brachos. Refreshments Served. Shabbos, One hour before Mincha. For men. |
TCN Navi Shiur with Rabbi Reisman
Fascinating shiur on Navi with the famed Rabbi Reisman. See Flyer for Times. Motzei Shabbos. Men & Women welcome. |
Women’s Shiurim
Array of Topics pertinent to today’s Jewish woman. |