The Event will offer two programs, each featuring renowned speakers whose wisdom and insight is sought around the world.
Program A features HaRav Elimelech Bidermam from Bnei Brak, whose penetrating weekly lectures, woven into a tapestry of chizuk and emunah, inspire thousands worldwide: Rabbi Yissocher Frand, a Rosh Yeshiva at Baltimore’s Yeshivas Ner Israel who is highly regarded for his depth and breadth of Talmudic and halachic analysis as well as for his popular, inspiring speaking style; and Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn, author of the famed Maggid series, noted lecturer and mohel, and featured speaker for many of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundations Tisha B’Av Events.
Program B presents Rabbi Yechiel Spero, a rebbi at Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim/Talmudical Academy of Baltimore, a sought-after speaker, Yated Ne’eman columnist, and prolific author: David Lieberman, Ph.D., an acclaimed psychologist, noted speaker and award-winning author who is renowned for his keen insight into human relations and emotions; and Mr. Charlie Harary, an international speaker whose inspiring messages and motivational videos focus on actualizing the potential within each person.
Each speaker, through his own unique prism, will help participants understand the imperative to open our hearts to others, put ourselves in their place and do as much as we can to lighten their burdens in life. Klal Yisrael will then have the greatest merit possible to bring Hashem to feel the burdens the Jewish people carry, and lift them away with the coming of Moshiach.
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