Shabbat Enlightened with Dr. Zvi Gitelman

Shabbat Enlightened with Dr. Zvi Gitelman


February 12, 2016 - February 14, 2016    
The Entire Weekend


B'nai Israel
8201 Castor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19152

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Friday, February 12th
8:00 pm Oneg Shabbat & Lecture
“What’s in a Name? Jewish Names: Origins & Meaning”

Shabbat Day, February 13th
9:00 am Shacharit followed by Shabbat Lunch & Lecture
“The “Russian Revolution” in Israeli Politics and Society”

Motzei Shabbat, February 13th
8:00 pm Melave Malkah & Lecture
“The Paradox of American Jewish Political Behavior”

$36 per person includes all three lectures, Shabbat lunch & Melave Malkah. Children under 18 free of charge. $18 per person for Melave Malkah alone.

Please consider becoming a parton of this event!

Parton – $125 per person includes all of the above plus special Friday night dinner with Professor Gitelman at B’nai Israel.

Dr. Zvi Gitelman

Dr. Zvi Gitelman is a professor of political science and Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His specialty is Russian Jewish History as it relates to general history. Author or editor of 16 books, in 2012 Professor Gitelman published Jewish Identities in Post-community Russian and Ukraine: An Uncertain Ethnicity (Cambridge University Press), based on several thousand interviews in those countries. In 2016, his edited volume, The Russian-speaking Jewish Diaspora, will be published by Rutgers University Press. Professor Gitelman was a member of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum Council, and continues to serve on its Academic Committee. His current research is on World War Two and the Holocaust in the Soviet Union. Dr. Gitelman is also a history advisor to the Destiny Foundation, which is dedicated to bringing Jewish history to life in an exciting and interactive way. The Destiny Foundation was founded by Rabbi Berel Wein in 1996. More information can be found at